Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Think About It

I think my new life philosophy will involve expecting disappointment (mostly from people like Tim) instead of being surprised when it crawls out of the woodwork. Who needs optimism when I can save my sanity instead?


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

live concerts don't count, i decided, mostly because i bought the tickets before lent started. and if i'm in the car with someone, they are allowed to listen to music, but i cant have any say about what we listen to. (and you can imagine how that's even harder to deal with than silence sometimes.)

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

you're hillarious. god would be proud.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger SNAKE HUNTERS said...

I post on everyone's blog
because I hope to stimulate

There is wisdom in blogging
but only for those that are
open to knowledge...

Did you like any? All are
different. All deal with
today's reality; sadly much
of it cruel.

You seem upset...I will not interfere again. reb


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